Identifying and Filling Data Gaps to Tell Your Full Story
Nonprofit Learning Lab
Have you ever felt like your data tells only part of your story, or you have lots of disparate data points and are struggling to put them all together? This session will give you A Plan To Plan: you will walk away with a facilitator agenda to identify what you know, where you have data gaps, and how you will fill them.
AI use in Evaluation: Sharing Practices and Insights
Minnesota Evaluation Association Webinar
Join MNEA as we bring together three evaluators to share their top uses/practices and lightly demonstrate how they leverage AI in various aspects of their evaluation work.
Chapagain, S.P., Cruz, A., Mueller, K., and Dahal, K. (2014). Khayar (Acacia catechu): A plant with potential for multiple economic uses. In Rai and Chapagain (Eds.), Value Chain Analysis of Forest Products in Koshi Hill Districts of Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Growth (pp. 196-229). ForestAction Nepal and RRN, Kathmandu.
Chapagain, S.P., Mueller, K., Cruz, A., and Dahal, K. (2014). Khote Salla (Chir Pine): A plant highly potential for multiple commercial uses. In Rai and Chapagain (Eds.), Value Chain Analysis of Forest Products in Koshi Hill Districts of Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Growth (pp. 230-274). ForestAction Nepal and RRN, Kathmandu.