Evaluation Essentials Coaching
Are you a professional tasked with evaluation activities, and are looking for an on-demand expert to boost your work? Perhaps you are collecting and analyzing your data, and want to take things to the next level with a formalized evaluation design.
Sign up for Evaluation Essentials Coaching to work one-on-one with Kayla Meyers and get expert coaching and support. You will design and implement your own evaluation plan with on-demand advice at your finger tips. You’ll receive hands-on support in organizing, interpreting, and reporting a comprehensive measure of your impact.

This comprehensive coaching model is designed specifically for nonprofit staff and leadership who want to enhance their evaluation capabilities. Through expert guidance, practical exercises, and facilitated team-meetings you'll design effective evaluations that meet your learning objectives and grant reporting requirements.

Evaluation Essentials roadmap
During a 90-minute discovery call, I’ll walk you through an inventory of your program and outcome data sources. We’ll talk about your evaluation strengths, aspirations, and growth areas. I’ll return to you with my tailored Comprehensive Evaluation Plan, outlining your existing systems and suggested adaptations or additions. It will be paired with a detailed implementation plan for you to execute.
Creating a Comprehensive Evaluation Plan
Month 1
You will have on-demand email access at your finger tips with quarterly check-in meetings, allowing you to implement your Evaluation Plan with confidence and guidance. We’ll troubleshoot any unexpected challenges as they arise, gearing up for analysis and reporting.
Plan Implementation
Months 2-9
Month 10
Once your data is gathered and cleaned, you’ll transfer it to me. I’ll create a Complete Data Guidebook compiling each data source and findings. I’ll share this with your team in advance of your facilitated Data Meaning Making Workshop.
Data Transfer
Data Meaning Making Workshop
Month 11
I’ll facilitate your team through my Data Meaning Making Workshop, where you’ll have the opportunity to collaboratively interpret and engage with your data using my innovative facilitation techniques. Your team will leave with a strong understanding of your impact, action steps, and key messages for external audiences.
I’ll deliver your Outcome Report with all final analysis and interpretation, bringing together your data sources in a way that expertly communicates your holistic community impact. I’ll combine qualitative and quantitative data sources to capture the “how”, “what”, and “why” about the outcomes you create. The report will be structured so you can easily grab and share outcome statements in your presentations and reports.
Outcome Reporting
Month 12